What is mastering?
Mastering is the last step to get the maximum potential out of the audio material.
Our studio was professionally planned and offers a perfect listening environment with the KS Digital Linemaster.
Depending on the project, the audio material is processed with the best analog and digital technology.
Soundation Studio offers many years of experience in the field of mastering and is therefore the ideal Partner for your projects.
You can easily use our online mastering service. This saves time and money. The exact data delivery and further information can be found in the following points.
Data delivery for online mastering
Audio format | Sample rate | Bit depth
WAV or AIFF; 24 or 32 Bit Floating Point.
Please export your files in the samplerate from your DAW-session.
Example: Your session runs on 44.1 kHz, export your files in 44.1kHz.
The loudest part in your song should not exceed -3dBFS. In no case above -0,1 dBFS.
Pre- and postroll
Make sure that your mixes have a pre and postroll of about 2-3 seconds.
Please name your files like this:
Special features for exporting stems (stem mastering)
⇒ Deactivate masterbus effects
⇒ All stems should have the same starting point
⇒ All stems together should result in the mix
⇒ Name the stems as follows: track number track name stem
Please also send us a stereo-mix, so we can check if everything is included. To check your stems, create a new DAW-session and insert all your stems and compare it with your stereo-mix.
Here you can download the requirements for data delivery for online mastering as a PDF file:
Full mastering power for a perfect sound

KS Digital LineMaster
Phase-linear monitoring designed for the high level requirements of mastering studios.

VOVOX purum certificate
VOVOX purum certified means almost lossless audio cabling and a pure sound as it comes out of the instrument.

Elysia Alpha Compressor
Handmade Elysia Alpha Compressor especially for Soundation Studio Mastering.

Elysia MUSEQ
EQ with an exceptionally natural and three-dimensional sound.

Maselec MLA4
Maselec MLA4 multiband compressor offers extensive controls for a very wide range of sounds.

VOVOX Sonorus direct
VOVOX Sonorus direct is part of the whole mastering line at Soundation Studio Mastering.